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 ⇒   ⇒ Tahmid Air ( )

Tahmid Air

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05.07.12 13:37

! --. 11.08.2012 06 00 - 12.08.2012 21 00 -. 50 . , ? 48 . : 8 775 223 30 55 Email: akan.74@mail.ru p.s. : , , . 2 . .( )

18.06.12 8:35

, , . .

17.06.12 22:10

! , : ,, , () . 170 63. , , 3 . .alishaussat@gmail.com

09.03.12 16:30

. 1, 133 8 700 480 09 50 Email: Zahra_84@mail.ru : 03.07.1984 : 2006. . . 2007. , . . 2007-2008. Groupgas : -, 02/2010-05/2010 Arnai tours - . 2010 - . 2001-2006 . : : . : , , , , , , . : Microsoft Office, internet, Excel, , 1 : , , , , , , . c. Almaty Mob. 8700 480 09 50 e-mail:Zahra_84@mail.ru Sydykova Gulchehra Begalievna Data of birth: 07.03.1984 The marital status: Married Operational experience: 2006 The cultural centre, Almaty. The Teacher of Arabic language. 2007 Educational centre Progress, City of Almaty The Teacher of English language. 2006-2007 TOO GRUPGAS (office manager, sales-manager) 2010 Nursery school Al-Kaysar The Teacher of English and Arabic languages. Education: Supreme. 2001-2006 Southern- Kazakhstan Pedagogical University. Faculty: philological. Specialty: The teacher of the Arabian and English languages. Knowledge of languages: Kazakh native, Russian, Arabian, English languages Turkish language. Hobbies: Translation, reading. Skills: Work with Microsoft Office, internet.1C Program Personal qualities: Sociable, competent, responsible, punctual, easygoing.

03.08.11 14:02

!!! () ? . !!!! . astanameruert@mail.ru

20.03.10 11:55

- -737-200, 1982 1987 ,!!

04.02.10 5:35

, --. , . , 39. .

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