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 ⇒   ⇒ Comac ARJ21

Comac ARJ21

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31.10.23 6:56

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18.07.23 6:14

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19.03.15 11:53


29.04.14 16:04

ARJ21-700 30- !!! , , , . 18 10 . ARJ21-700 , , . 11 ARJ21-700 9 27 14 , . . , , . 2010 2013 . ARJ21-700 (- , - ), - . . , ARJ21-700 , 2 2015

24.01.14 15:22 912

The Chinese final assembly line will mainly produce aircraft for the Chinese market, where Airbus expects passenger traffic to grow fivefold in the next 20 years, creating a demand of a total of 2,670 new passenger aircraft. . \ .

24.01.14 4:52

320 ??? . ??? ???

23.01.14 13:14

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23.01.14 0:05

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22.01.14 10:40

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22.01.14 6:34

??? ??? . 320 . .

21.01.14 23:46

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11.12.13 2:44

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22.08.13 10:31

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19.08.13 14:55

MD - . SSJ - . . .

09.08.13 22:49

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24.06.13 17:46

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24.06.13 16:26

- 40 ================================================ ... , , www.yak.ru/PROD/current_40.php

20.04.13 11:25

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18.01.13 7:15

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17.12.12 17:38

, , , 2014 , 2015( 2007), . , , , .

08.12.12 19:22

-334. , . . 500.

30.10.11 10:21


11.09.11 7:45 Brandice

This article achieved exactly what I wntead it to achieve.

18.06.11 8:23

62 24. 10

18.06.11 8:09

. . . . . 24 10 . ? 24 10 ?

18.06.11 0:46

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09.06.11 13:13 nashlakos

? -. Made in China?

18.03.11 16:17 hostem


17.01.11 13:46

-334, . , , . .. - , . . 2007. 200-250 - . , - . - . ?

14.01.11 23:30

Sony- .

14.01.11 23:29

Samsung , Asus ( - ). Panasonic - - , , . , - , ,, , . ( .) ( ).

14.01.11 22:54

. Panasonic, HP - made in China, , , ,, Sony,Panasonic ? ! , ,-, , ,, , ! ! !!! , ! ,,,-!!! ! , Bmw , 525 - . ?

14.01.11 22:26

. . ?- ( ) , ? - , ( 5800 ) , , .

14.01.11 22:03

??? ?? ? ? , 500$ ( ) , , !!!! !( -!) ??????

14.01.11 17:52

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14.01.11 12:50

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14.01.11 4:53

, ? !!! !!!!!

14.01.11 4:50

???? - , , , , , , ? ? ? ,Panasonic !!!! ? - 20 , "" , ! ,, , . - ,-,.

14.01.11 2:47

800 - . "" ))) .... + " " , . , . , . , .

14.01.11 2:20

! , 10 , ,,, !!! , , , , ,, , , !!! , .

14.01.11 0:34

, 717 + ( ) , ( ). , ( ) . , Alitalia? .

13.01.11 12:11

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09.11.10 12:38

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12.09.10 0:56

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04.08.10 7:34

- , ( ) . , 2011 , - - . .

21.07.10 19:39 nepilotvanya

? -717... ... ... . ?

21.07.10 17:30 Bio


09.07.10 10:18

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27.02.10 22:22

, , , : "-154 , , -!!!", " , , - , !", "-40 , , !", ", -154 , !"... : " ARJ-21 , !".

27.02.10 19:07

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08.02.10 13:04

Basil , 334??? - 334 - , -204 , SSJ. , - , , , SSJ , 204 . - , ...

04.02.10 11:50 Basil

, . . , , . , , .SSJ , 334. , .

12.01.10 14:04 Anti China

-717 - 3 . ,

28.06.09 19:29

a mne on bolse na f70 tianet

25.06.09 13:28


22.04.09 0:53

! ! ! !-( ) !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! - !

23.03.09 1:06

- , ... .. . .

22.03.09 10:53

. DC-9. . . , .

16.03.09 21:00

- McDonnell Douglas MD-90, , .

15.03.09 13:09

A wed totsno wiliti 334!!!!! Mozet iz za etogo 334 neposel w seriu? Prodali kak proekt ili skopirwali kitaizi?

14.03.09 6:28

Da eto totsno!!!!! Seitsas nastanut trudnie wremena dlia awiakonzernow!!! Esli Kitai zalez i siuda!!!! Nadeius xwatit uma i patriotizma nenaletat na ix produkziu!!!...:))) Wed kak woditsia kitaiskie weshi ne otsen to i katsestwenie!!!!!!

09.02.09 14:48

, , ! , , ! , ...

09.02.09 8:53 NickSS

-, ! -334 -?

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